Blog Updates!

I've finally gotten fed up of having to shrink every image so that it has a 550px width to fit into the blog container. I hope you all enjoy the larger width of the blog content area! I don't know why I kept it so small. I was probably concerned about the 800x600 resolution users. But then, checking my google analytics account, I realized only 100 visitors ever to view this site still use 800x600. That's measly compared to the amount of readers who probably think my blog is too small.

I also changed the font in the header yet again. I can't seem to settle on one that I think properly represents the blog. Any suggestions?

Also, I hope the new background isn't sensory overload! I seem to be on an everything space and sci-fi kick these days. Dark matter? Neutrinos? The expanding/contracting motion of the universe? Bends in the fabric of space-time? Yes please!

Background from The Hubble Site.

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