SHI SHU STYLE now offers families an elegant line of hand-crafted Bamboo/Cotton blankets that are soft to the touch, yet free of unnatural and chemically treated fibers. SHI SHU STYLE blankets are 60% cotton and 40% Bamboo, a textile made from the pulp of bamboo grass which is light, strong, soft, smooth and naturally antibacterial. SHI SHU STYLE allows only the best fabrics next to your family's skin.
There are millions of fluffy blankets out on the market for infants - but this blanket is special - many of those other blankets are made of polyester/microfiber blends and can cause some babies skin to be irritated and induce rashes -- the SHI SHU STYLE blankets are made of all natural fibers. We definitely recommend this soft blanket to anyone with a newborn!