Gal to Gal Foundation: Help Support the Battle Against Stage IV Breast Cancer

I received the email below {in pink} yesterday and decided that we, all the Trendy Mommies out there, need to step up and help this organization meet their goal. So many of us have either had breast cancer ourselves or have had a mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, or close friend that has endured it. The super cool chicks that started Design-her Gals started The Gal to Gal Foundation and are seeking to raise $250,000 to help support those battling Stage IV Breast Cancer and you can help out in this effort.

Join thousands in the support of those battling Stage IV Breast Cancer -- give just $5 and you too can participate in this virtual walk - make sure you enter your team as "Team Trendy Mommy" and we'll select one person on our 'team' to win a Trendy Mommy Goodie Bag full of all kinds of great stuff. The virtual race ends October 31 - so time is a factor - go ahead and do it now. Donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt from the Gal to Gal Foundation.

Email received:

To our dear friends -
It is with great sadness that I must let you know that our Gal to Gal Foundation President, Dorit Shapiro, lost her brave battle to Stage IV breast cancer yesterday. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of meeting Dorit - I can tell you that she was an incredible woman who believed passionately in the purpose behind the Gal to Gal Foundation.
As you may know, this year's virtual walk hopes to raise $250,000 by asking each and every one of us to take 5 minutes and $5 and go to and create your virtual walker. It is our hope to grant hundreds of wishes for Stage IV breast cancer patients and their families this holiday season. With your help we can!
Dorit's wish was not for herself. It was that we make this goal and that no woman living with Stage IV should feel alone in this journey. Please join Dorit's virtual self and all of us today in her honor!
Attached is a tribute to Dorit where you can listen to her own words spoken 1 week ago (!) as we kicked off this event. Unfortunately after this speech she took a turn for the worst. She will be missed by her family and friends very much! Dorit just turned 38 years old with 2 daughters (ages 4 and 8). Please help us grant Dorit's wish.

Watch now!
With hope in my heart!
Jeanne Fitzmaurice
FounderGal to Gal FoundationDesign-her Gals

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