Giveaway: The Munny Journey: Keepsake Journal for Baby's First Money

Giveaway Closed
The Munny Journey is a wonderful gift for any newborn or infant. This new journal shows how you can give one of the greatest gifts of all - a financially secure future for your little one.

Against a backdrop of economic uncertainty, rising home foreclosures, record gas prices and falling stocks one veteran financial advisor has some great news - it is possible to set your newborn up to be a millionaire for just a dollar a day.

The Munny Journey is a keepsake journal for Baby's First Money. Modeled after a traditional baby book it contains pages to record money "firsts", such as baby's first dollar, first savings account and first investment. The journal also serves as an educational tool - teaching your child about saving and investing and illustrating the magic of compound interest and how it can create wealth.

We LOVE this journal and think it is a great 'investment' for your child's future. The journal can be purchased at
Munny Journey.

GIVEAWAY: One lucky Trendy Mommy reader will win this fabulous journal! So go visit the Munny Journey site and leave us an insightful comment (none of the "I want to win" or other silly like that comments). One winner will be selected on November 1st. Winner will be posted on Good luck!!

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