Little Girls Dresses | Sophias Style

Little Girl Dresses
It's the last week of July!  That means fall is just around the corner- hopefully it will bring a few slightly cooler days our way, Nebraska has been unbearably hot for weeks now.  I know that not everyone is thrilled to see the end of summer on it's way, but I can't help getting excited.  At Sophias Style, all of our summer girls dresses and baby dresses are on sale (so now's the time to grab those great bargains). 
You know what's the best part of fall fashion?  Most of it is just summer clothing that's been re-styled!  For example, all those cute little sundresses you bought for your girl?  Now those are all layering pieces.  Perfect for back to school, because in the mornings and evenings she'll need sweaters and jackets, but in the afternoons it'll get hot and she'll want to lose some of those layers.  So, just invest in lots of wool tights and a variety of cardigans and soft jackets, and boom, all of her little girls dresses just became fall clothing. 

The other great thing about fall is that it brings on a whole new selection of flower girl dresses and holiday dresses.  Are you as excited as I am to see all of the beautiful baby girl dresses we'll have this year for Christmas and fall/winter weddings?  From what I can tell, the luxe look is still going to be huge this year, so bring on the velvet, satin and sequins!  I'm really loving all the deep jewel tones, like emerald green, sapphire blue and ruby red.  What could be more elegant?  Your little girl will look like British royalty in the gorgeous girls holiday dresses we'll have at Sophias Style this season!

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