A great night with the Cuz

Hey ladies,

I Had a tough Saturday at workSad smile

Time moving ever so slowly but somehow I managed to enjoy some of the beautiful weather we had here when I sneaked off to lunch. It felt like September… amazing.

The best part of my Saturday was coming home to  a full house. With school holidays on my married siblings come over with their kids for the evening. Its just beautiful to come home to the buzz that children bring to a home. Ahhhhh love my nieces and nephews to bits Mashallah. 

The night topped off when my cousin Marwa visited and then decided to sleep over. Now that was like her first visit in like 1 year. You see gone are the days where a weekend wouldn't pass unless we saw one another. Life’s busy days has consumed us all. You know what I realised, everyone's favourite word these days is “busy”. We use that word so much it has lost it’s meaning. I’m sure if we priorities thing better we will find the time for more things.

My little rant is over for now but make sure to find time for your families now before it’s too late.


So being so late in the night I though to share a few pictures I took with my niece Nada the other night:








Nada & I



I really like her animal print dress








Black dress: Topshop

Blazer: H&M

Scarf: Present from my sis

Under cap: Sorayya Design


So I'm looking forward to Sunday for now and enjoying what's left of tonight.


Trendy Melbourne oxoxoxoxo

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