Heard of Kushies Before?

Seriously! How cute, fun, and colorful are these great toys?? The Kushies® Zolo Zippy Ozlo Wooden Pull Toy would make a great Christmas gift for any little ones on your list. It is adorable and sure to make the kids laugh and smile all day long! You can even buy more than one adorable Kushies animal and connect them to make an animal train. TOO FUN!

Kushies® offers an innovative collection of more than 350 quality baby products and accessories. These products include layettes, cloth diapers, bibs, bath items, developmental toys and more.
Another of our favorites is the Kushies® Boa Stacking Rings {pictured above}. This is not your ordinary blue, orange, yellow, red, green run of the mill stacking ring set. We absolutely love that this set encourages tactile stimulation, visual and auditory development, flexible thinking and explorative play. Squeeze each ring to hear an animal sound.
Kushies® has so many other super cool and not ordinary toys --- you will have to check them all out for yourself! Go to http://www.kushiesonline.com/Zolo-s/473.htm to see all the fun toys they have to offer.
DISCOUNT ALERT: And as an added bonus this holiday shopping season --- all Trendy Mommy readers can save 10% off any order you place at http://www.kushiesonline.com ---- enter code tmha10 for a 10% discount.

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