Friday Night and Saturday Morning

Last night I stayed at home watching Harry Potter 5 with the boy. He's never seen it. I think it might have been my third time? He has sort of jumped on the HP bandwagon a few years too late. I dressed up in a fully floral outfit with sky-high heels to totter around Blockbuster looking for the rental. It was fun dressing up to go nowhere special in particular.

It looks like Susie has proclaimed florals and geek glasses to be a dead last summer trend. I can't help but stick with what I like. I tend to pick up on trends early, but actually buy the trend later on, and by the time it's over, I'm thinking "no, I don't have my money's worth yet. This blazer will be buried with me."

I'm wearing a blazer from Zara, thrifted scarf and two skirts, a pink scarf from Italy, and Topshop heels.

Today I finally trekked to my favourite place to shop second-hand, Value Village, and purchased a big load including more scarves, three skirts, and two tops. I'll share them later on when they're worn as outfits.

I dressed up in a turqoise Zara turtleneck and a thrifted scarf and skirt. I threw on a brown leather jacket later because it's too cold to be walking around in only sweaters this time of year. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos of the jacket. This particular skirt is rather difficult to wear. I usually settle on black, or not bother matching it any way at all, like in these photos. I think the scarf somehow pulled the top and bottom together. I like wearing patterns because you can pick up so many colors out of them. I remember Stacy and Clinton from What Not To Wear saying that when I watched the show in high school. Somehow I'm not sure they'd really approve of this outfit.

Oh, and Kevin looked good today too. I'm glad we finally took photos outside today. I was getting dreadfully bored of taking mirror shots by myself.

I love the hazy pink light I captured in this last photo. Kevin loves to shoot on film and doesn't appreciate my little DSLR very much. I wish there were two of me so I could take photos the way I see them in my head.

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