No More Lost Pacifiers!

Ingenious! Isn't it? No more losing the pacifier - no more having to clip the pacifier just in the right spot so that it doesn't hurt baby when you pick him up and so that it doesn't get knocked off and on and on...

This great little company BinkTees started out of necessity and has grown to an almost overnight success! Their designs are adorable! You can't get them straight from the BinkTees website - so make sure you take a look at the 'where to buy' link to find an online retailer of this cool product. While you're there take a look at the 'how it works' link - for a better understanding of what it truly is b/c the first time we looked at it we didn't quite get how great this product is....we thought well, that's am I going to wash a shirt with a pacifier attached to it...but oh, yes....they have that check it out!

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