This past weekend I was cruising the aisles of our local Costco and decided to take a peek at the dvd section. Well, I grabbed the movie 27 dresses because I thought it was a cute movie and it came with a free book - 101 Uses for a Bridesmaid Dress. So to inspire you all to get out those sewing scissors and get those creative juices are 5 of my favorite ideas from the book (the book was written to poke fun at the sometimes horrendous dresses we have been asked to wear so many times and the silly things you could do with them - the illustrations to match the suggestions are great - you can totally see some of the dresses you might just have in your own closet).
1) Turn it into a matching beach umbrella & hat
2) Fashion part of it into a stylish sleep mask for your next long flight.
3) Give the dress another chance - wear it to your next IRS audit --- maybe they'll take pity on you.
4) Make your husband some golf club covers (WE HOPE THEY WERE KIDDING W/ THIS ONE!!!! ~ how ridiculous would that be??)
5) Make a lovely baby carriage for the new mother. (Are they about too much work!)