Summer Wardrobe Dilemma

I decided to cut my hair shorter this morning. At first it looked a but awkward so I tied it up, but then I felt uncomfortable wearing it in a bun (I rarely change hairstyles), so I let it down again and the new waves looked much better. I'm very open -minded when it comes to trying a new fit or pattern of clothing but when it comes to hair and makeup I'm a little chicken. Even know my hair looks exactly the same. It's probably only an inch or two shorter.

I think I'm probably the only girl in town still wearing tights and boots in the heat. No wonder my legs take forever to tan. I cling onto layers until it's absolutely necessary to let them go. What do you guys wear in the summer? I find it difficult to dress like myself when the heat becomes stifling. I guess this is where interesting accessories are supposed to come in...

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