Menu Planning

We recently ran across this site - - it's a site filled with organizing tips - and the owner of this site truly believes that organization is a process not a destination - in that once you think you've finally conquered all that there is to be organized life happens, kids grow, situations change and it's time to start the organization game all over again. We hear that!

This site offers helpful tips and humor (which we all need when tackling those oh so fun but dreaded organizational projects). While this site has some great tips and fun stuff, our favorite thing about the site is Menu Plan Monday - where each week over 200 gals around the net share what they have planned for the weeks menu. You can get some great ideas here - even if you never post your own menus and remain a lurker - you can still get some great recipes and it just might inspire you to sit down at the start of the week and plan out your meals. This is something that my sister does at the start of each week and it truly helps her get through the week - I've tried it a few times and it does make the week less stressful - especially when dinner time comes, the kids are cranky, and hubby is MIA! So check out Org Junkie and Menu Plan Monday (there are a couple of rules if you want to participate -- and by participate we mean if you want to post your menu --- however, you can always lurk (read) whenever you'd like- so check it out!)

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