Hot pink Monday

Hey there TM followers,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend doing what you love. To tell you about my packed weekend would mean you have to read a lot of dribble.
It all started on Thursday. My cousin was getting married so we had a huge party as the big day will be OS. Any excuse to get all dressed will do me. A lot of prep, shopping and stress come with these events as we all know but Always heaps of fun alhamdullaih.
It was a all ladies party so I have no pictures that i can share here. I might try and make it hijab friendly and share it. (editing will be required)
All the fun ended when I came down with a flu that night. Grrrrrrr
Drove home in a daze to prepare for work the next day only to wake up with Everything blocked from my eyes to my throat.
I spent Sunday in bed as the rest of the family enjoyed lunch at the brides house the day after. Ahhhh dame u flu.

Back up gingerly this morning ready to battle another week I share a simple Monday outfit.

Dress- Topshop Cardigan- Cotton On
Scarf- gift from Turkey Ring- Rubi shoes

Love always,
Trendy Melbourne xoxoxo

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