Tears, laughter but most of all all the love for the Queen OPRAH!!!!

Hi ladies out in blogger land,

Hope your all doing well.
Tonight was an emotional night for me. I'm sure many felt the same watching the farewell  part 1 for the Queen of talk shows. The one and only OPRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
The memories from the shows are countless. I love the fact you can walk away from an hour of watching her with a message.
As an African women she was my second  mum, big sister and best friend.
I read certain books because Oprah loved them on her show. It was seeing big issues such as racism, self esteem, love, beauty, betrayal and many more cover. They are issues talked about daily would say, but on the Oprah show, these very issues were discussed on another level. Many opening my eyes to soo much to that of which I know today.  
All day I have refrained from thinking about tonight's show but It did not last.
For someone that has stopped watching televission shows for the last 2 years I have to say there will not be much point sitting infront of the box.
 I doubt that someone can say they never gained anything from watching the Oprah Winfrey show.
Clearly you were looking the other way. 

For 25 years (if not a bit longer) a black women or as she would say  " I am lil colored girl from Mississippi" changed peoples life because she had a wealth of love.
OPRAH thank you for the life lesson you taught me.

Here she is looking amazing...........

beautiful dress

Love Always,
Trendy Melbourne xoxoxo

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