Toddler Easter Dresses at Sophias Style

Toddler Easter Dresses
Toddler Easter Dresses
Today is Wednesday, also known in my world as Day 3 of 13, because my boyfriend is in California training for his new job, and won't be back until the 26th (insert sigh and pathetic sad puppy face here).  I've been using this two week separation as an excuse to buy Wholefoods salads and sushi, and also to do some spring shopping.  In order to assuage my guilt for over spending, I've also started doing my spring cleaning.  And my taxes (procrastination station).  It's been a busy 3 days, by the end of next week everything in my world should be organized and cleaned out- especially my bank account.  Anyhow, I found the perfect spring and summer dress, it's white with light blue stripes, and it's gorgeous. 

Speaking of gorgeous dresses, I hope you haven't forgotten about getting Easter dresses for girls!  Easter is so late this year, so if you've been procrastinating on going shopping the way I've been procrastinating doing my taxes, you're in luck.  Sophias Style is actually still getting new styles of girls Easter dresses daily, so save yourself the trouble (and money) of going to a mall or department store, and instead just order her dress from home!  We carry all the department store brands you love, but at much more reasonable prices, so you can't lose.  The dress in the image is one of our toddler Easter dresses by Biscotti.  It's it precious?  What girl wouldn't look amazing in a dress that looks like rose petals and pink clouds?  We have lots more where that came from, so get to shopping! 

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog

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