Time for the Weekend!

Girls Dresses
Girls Dresses
 It's Friday at last!  Weekend plans anyone?  Mine are to sleep late, go thrifting, and drink tea (outside, if the weather allows, I'm determined to  cherish every moment before the snow gets here).  I'm hoping to come across a miricle vintage dress that's sparkly enough for New Year's Eve.  Actually it doesn't even have to be sparkly, I can add sparkles. 

Speaking of sparkly, we've just started carrying girls dresses by Sweetie Pie, and they're so pretty!  Green is my favorite color, which is why I chose to feature this particular dress today.  Isn't it beautiful?  These dresses are perfect for pageants, flower girl dresses, and really any other formal event. 

Also, Sophia's Style carries lots of beautiful infant dresses, so you can find a baby girl dress for your littlest princess, too!

We're running a really cool sale on dresses, right now!  If you enter DRESS at checkout, you'll receive 15% off  dresses.  That code expires on Sunday, so if you want to use it, definitely do your shopping this weekend. 

Have a fabulous weekend!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.


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