Girls Dress Coats | Sophia's Style

Girls Outerwear
Baby Girl Outerwear
I have a secret!  And I'm terrible at secrets, so here it is:  There's going to be a pretty sweet sale on girls outerwear and baby girl outerwear starting tomorrow!  Watch your inboxes for the email, or check our homepage for the code.  Anytime you get a sale on outerwear, you should buy.  Coats are a necessity, and you have to have more than one, because they get worn everyday, and even a high quality coat will look tired if you don't give it a day off every once in awhile. 

Also, don't forget about girls dress coats, she's going to need something to go with all those pretty holiday dresses this winter.  I recommend buying a size up, because we have some especially nice Rothschild little girls winter coats that are definitely nice enough to be worn for several years. 

I noticed we've put up some girls snow pants, and those count as outerwear!  Remember when you got snow days off at school, and you could stay home all day and build snow men and make snow angels? 

In other news, has anyone noticed that wide leg jeans are coming back?  I'm not thrilled about this.  I don't like things obstructing the view of my shoes.  Viva la Jeggings!  

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.


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