A girls night!!!

I attended a girls night which was soo well organised and run by the sister from the Hume Islamic Youth Center. My cousins and i went along an really enjoyed catching up with old friends and making a few more on the night.

The room was soo well set up and soo inviting to say the least. heaps of time and effort was put into tonight Mashallah. it is the first of many to come, if tonights anything to go by well it's goning to be awesome.
Great food and desert i think the pictures below says it all.
Now here is the thing i went along with my camera in hand ready to snap a few sister and their gorgeous outfits but i was soo disappointed because too many were just too shy to share their outfits or some were not wearing their hijabs.
But i did manage to catch two gorgeous sister who just looked awesome.
thanks for sharing girls!!!!!

Mona looking gorgeous. love it!!!

i really love this out fit. Fadima works this look really well with the red scarf.

i love this dress put felt a little weird. i just can't pit my finger on it :(

"That's what I'm talking about"

great night had by all. off to bed. looong day tomorrow

Trendy Melbourne xoxoxo

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