Baby Girl Baptism Dresses with Christening Poise

               Girls ClothesChristening - to receive into the Christian Church by Baptism!

Do you remember your day of Baptism? I don't either but my christening gown photo is lovely and I know my spirit was touched being baptized into the church of my family faith! 

            Thanks mom and dad for loving me enough to start me off on the right path for the journey! What a gift.

The girls christening gowns are like a mini brides dress at girls clothing boutique and complete the outfit with baptism bonnets, baptism shoes, and even baptismal remembrances like blankets.

Your baby girls baptism dress may become a new family heirloom for generations to come.

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

Sophia is grateful  to be sharing the journey with you!


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