| Fashion Trends That Come Full Circle

They were the epitome of style in the 80s. We wouldn’t be caught dead wearing them in the 90s. And now they are working their way back into our hearts (and our closets!) I’m talking about the girls accessories we all love to love – leg warmers! Ok, so maybe we’re all a little too old to break out the leg warmers again. After all, our generation had our chance with them already. Now it’s your little girl’s turn!

Leg warmers are very practical for dance classes – ballet, tap, jazz and many others. For sure you’ll want to pick up a pair from to go along with her leotard and other dance gear. However, they also look great paired with everyday casual wear, such as denim skirts and trendy tops. Something that’s practical, fashionable and affordable? Sign me up!

Check out all of our accessories for girls and make a fashion statement that’s modern and retro at the same time. We’ll let you know if day-glo or off the shoulder sweatshirts start making their way back onto the runways!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

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