Trick-or-treat Safely This Halloween |

Each day this week brings us closer and closer to the fun and festivities of Halloween. We’re all busy putting the finishing touches on Halloween costumes and making sure the candy bucket is stocked full for all those adorable trick-or-treaters. It’s great to be prepared for all the fun parts of the holiday, but we should also be prepared to make this Halloween fun and safe.

Of course there are those basic Halloween safety tips we always hear, such as:

• Don’t let children trick-or-treat alone. They should always be accompanied by a responsible adult.

• Don’t accept candy or food that is unwrapped.

• Wear reflectors or light clothing that will stand out in the dark. This is a good idea even in the daylight.

• Use the sidewalk, not the street, when trick-or-treating.

It’s always good to be reminded of safety tips we’ve heard before, but we at found some good Halloween safety tips that don’t immediately come to mind. Here are some other things to think about:

• If your child is going to wear a mask as part of his or her costume, make sure the eye openings are large. Obscured vision can be very dangerous. Consider doing without the mask altogether. You can still achieve a spooky look with make-up or face paint.

 • Think of the trick-or-treaters visiting your house too. Make sure your porch or walkway is free of garden hoses, flower pots or other things someone could trip on. While you’re at it, make sure porch lights have working bulbs. If not, get replacements in time for trick-or-treaters.

• Serve a healthy and tasty meal for your kids before they trick-or-treat. Try something festive like these pumpkin shaped sandwiches. This way they will be less likely to gorge on too many sweets and get a tummy ache later on. Remind them that the candy will still be there tomorrow – they don’t need to eat it all at once!

• Don’t forget about your pets on Halloween! They might get scared with so many trick-or-treaters coming and going. They could escape through the open door or worse yet, bite or scratch a child. It’s best to keep them in a separate room for the night. Check on them every once in awhile to make sure they are O.K.

 All of us at hope you all have a safe and FUN Halloween!

 What are your plans for Halloween this year? Share with us!

This blog was first posted at Trendy Girls Fashion Blog.

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