I know....summer just began. Here at Sophia's Style Boutique we're already gearing up for back to school. Here's some ideas to help you save when getting ready for back to school.
*Shop early. Most stores start selling their school supplies earlier and earlier. When notebooks or crayons are at the cheapest, buy a large quantity. I have a large tote set up in my basement with extra notebooks, pencils, etc. The thing I hate the most is in the middle of winter when my daughter comes to me and says she needs a notebook or colored pencils for a project and I have to go to the store to buy these items at full price.
*If your school has the option of electronic lunch accounts, start making deposits during the summer. By depositing $10 a week (price of a takeout pizza), you'll have quite the credit when your children start back to school.
*When the back to school staples come out, once again buy in bulk. Underwear, socks, plain t-shirts, etc. They will always wear them, and heck...less laundry for you!
*The main tip I have is to visit Sophia's Style Boutique and shop our back to school selection. We have boys and girls uniforms also.
By planning ahead, keeping an eye out for sales and being realistic on what you need..you can survive the back to school rush and your children will still look great!
By planning ahead, keeping an eye out for sales and being realistic on what you need..you can survive the back to school rush and your children will still look great!
Have another back to school tip, idea or story? All you have to do is click here. I'd love to hear from you and we'll share your tips.