Living Green | Green Giving | | Louis Robinson definitely believes in the importance of charity work and the community. As a small company, it is not always easy to raise large amounts of funds or organize huge events without the help of people like you and partner companies. To find a way to give in the past we have sort of “banded together” in the office to donate diapers and clothes to local charities here in our hometown. I thought that, in addition to our own charity work, I could find ways to encourage others to give, and hopefully find green ways to do it.

The idea that I “came up with” was actually influenced by one of my favorite green sites, advertising used items on eBay. So I began thinking about all the children’s toys that use batteries, and have electric or computerized parts. If these items are thrown away in landfills, they can have a terrible impact on the environment. Why not give these items to charity? There are a lot of charities out there that accept used or slightly used items. The kids that are not fortunate enough to have them will love the toys, the environment will love not having the waste, and you will be teaching your kids valuable lessons they will keep forever!

Here is an interesting side note. A colleague of mine came across a super interesting article about a study on the environmental effects of e-commerce. To the extreme satisfaction of the folks here at we discovered that the carbon footprint of e-commerce is 1/3 the size of traditional shopping methods. Of course the study done at Carnegie Mellon University is only preliminary but it could easily bode well for e-commerce and the planet.

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