What: Slappy Puppet Playhouse - currently showing Beauty and the Beast
When: Ongoing
Where: Galleria Mall
Cost: Kids 3 and under are free, Kids are $8, Adults are $9
More Info: http://www.slappysplayhouse.com/ or 214.369.4849
Melt chocolate chips in the microwave, one minute, then in 20 second increments, stirring until smooth. Before melting, seperate the white chips into two bowls. After melting, add a few drops of red food coloring to one of the bowls of white chips to make pink chocolate.
Dip cookie pops in the melted chips, covering completely. Roll pops in red and white sprinkles and lay or stand on waxed paper or paper plates. Place in refrigerator to chill.
Decorate as you wish with the remaining items! ENJOY!