Wipes oh Wipes

Check out these awesome wipes cases, Made by Angie. Lots of fun prints to keep the nasty chore of a dirty diaper change at least looking stylish! Cases are $30....but right now if you go in w/ some friends and buy multiple cases, you can get a discount :)

Hide those Tampons!

Tired of little miss babycakes or little prince charming digging through your purse and exposing your lady products to EVERYONE? Check out these tampon cases we found at uncommongoods.com. Love them, cute retro designs ~ $28.

Yet Another, Ruffle Shirt

Another fun and spunky item from Boden. This cotton ruffle shirt comes in several color options and is a great addition to any mommy wardrobe.

Baby Mary Janes

Check out this great find...sure to draw attention to your little one's feet. Every time my daughter wears these people comment on how cute they are. They look like shoes but are really socks...great to dress up your little one's feet but w/out the restriction that shoes offer. Can be found at uncommongoods.com, a box of 6 pairs assorted colors ~ $22.

Tiny Diner

My friend Lisa reflected back on her daughter's first year and said that this is one product that she has come to love. The Tiny Diner ~ Portable Placemat rolls up for easy carrying, provides a 'safe ~ germ free' environment for your child to eat off of at restaurants and makes clean up a snap! We found this one at Cheeky Monkey for $12.99.

When did we open that jar of food?

We're all busy! How many times have you thrown out baby formula or food because you can't remember when you opened it and are afraid of giving babycakes old food? Check out this product called 'daysago'. They offer two models, one that is magnetic and one that has a suction. Comes in four colors. Sold at Days Ago in packs of 2 for $10.